Kerry Culleton Counselling ServiceCounsellor & Psychotherapist in London Bridge / Borough, South London and Hackney, East London

Privacy Notice

The purpose of this statement is to let you know what information I collect and hold, why this data is
collected, how long it is kept and what your rights are with regards to your personal data.

This Privacy Notice gives you clear information about how any personal or sensitive information I
hold about you will be obtained, stored, used and destroyed when it is no longer required for the
purpose for which it was provided. I am committed to ensuring the privacy and security of any
personal and/or sensitive information you provide me with in the course of us agreeing a contract
for me to provide you with a counselling / psychotherapy service.

For the purpose of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), the Date Controller is myself; Kerry Culleton, Kerry culleton Counselling.

If you have any queries, or want to request that your information held is changed or deleted, please contract me in the first instance by email:

Data Processing (inc storage & deletion)

The information you provide will be managed as required by the GDPR.

With your explicit consent* I may hold information about you in order to fulfill the responsibilities
of my role as counsellor / psychotherapist that has been obtained in the following ways:

* By requesting information from you in person
* Via my smart phone if we text, phone or email
* A record of the personal information you provide, which can include brief factual notes as a record of sessions will be held in written note form.

All use of electrical equipment (laptop/smartphone) I may use to contact you is password protected. Any paper formed document or notes held are held in a locked cabinet.

The Data Processors that I use to help me obtain and hold your information, including Webhealer, my website host, have their own Privacy Notices in place in which they state their commitment to compliance with the GDPR.

All personal and sensitive information held will be deleted after your contract with me has concluded. Any texts, voicemails and emails will be deleted when the purpose for which they are useful has passed or after your contract with me has concluded. My brief personal notes which I keep on the themes of sessions will be kept for three years following the end of the work. This is in accordance with the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy. After a three year period these notes will be shredded.

*Consent is a lawful basis for processing, as defined in Article 6 of the GDPR - the individual has given clear consent for you to process their personal data for a specific purpose.

What information do I collect and for what purpose?

The following information will be requested at or before your first appointment:

* Full name including title
* Date of Birth
* Address
* Email address
* Mobile / Telephone number/s
* Name of the GP practice you are registered with
* Medication past and current (only if relevant to your reason/s for attending counselling)

This information may be used to communicate with you directly about things like arranging appointments or payment. It may be used to identify you with your GP or the emergency services where there is a concern about your safety/well-being. Your medication history is also requested in order to better understand the extent of your physical and/or mental health problems and how these may relate to the reason/s you are attending counselling / psychotherapy.

I will also hold some brief, factual notes as a record of each session held for the purpose of reflecting on my work and in preparation for clinical supervision.

In what other circumstances might my information be used or shared?

In order to meet the requirements of The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy’s (BACP) I undertake regular supervision for clinical work. I will share non-identifying information with my supervisor.

Ethically I am committed to sharing information in the event that I am concerned about your own or another’s safety (with particular concern for you, children and vulnerable adults).

Legally I am obliged to share information relating to certain crimes, including terrorism, and in the event of a court order I may be required to disclose records held.

Your rights

You have the right to:

* Receive a copy of the information held about you
* Request your information be changed or updated so that it is accurate
* Request that your information be deleted if you believe it is being kept for longer than necessary

If you have any concerns about the processing of your information, contact the Data Protection Regulator:

Information Commissioners Office
Wycliffe House


Changes to this Policy

This document is a work in progress and may be amended from time to time.

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